Increasing Garage Door Security: Locks and Other Measures

If you are a homeowner, you already know that keeping your garage secure is an important component of your overall home security. Every year, robberies, thefts, and home invasions occur because homeowners neglect to properly secure their garages. You can avoid any kind of criminal activity in or around your garage by installing the right kind of garage door locks, as well as taking certain steps to increase your security. Keep reading to find out how you can improve your home security by ensuring your garage is properly secured.

Finding the Right Garage Door Lock

The first step to securing your garage starts with the kind of garage door locks you have. For manual garage doors, adding additional locks of some sort is almost always necessary. For automatic garage doors, however, you will need to be careful when it comes to adding any kind of manual locks.

Manual Garage Doors

  • T-Handle Locks

    The most popular lock used for manual garage doors is a t-handle lock. These locks get their name from their shape. They look like a letter ‘t’ and sit near the bottom of your garage door. Thanks to the shape of this particular kind of lock, it is easy to pull or lift your garage door when you unlock it. When you need to secure your garage, there is a key slot in the center of the t-handle that allows owners to secure it much like you would a standard lock.

  • Sliding Locks

    A sliding garage door lock is placed on the inside of the garage, rather than on the outside as with t-handle locks. For this reason, if you plan on installing a sliding lock, you should only do so if your garage has an exit door or is attached to your home. If you have a detached garage with no exit doors, a sliding lock will be of no use to you. Depending on the layout and setup of your garage, you may need to purchase a t-handle lock instead.

Automatic Garage Doors

Most automatic garage door owners will not have to worry about adding additional locks of any kind to their garages. In fact, it is recommended that automatic garage door owners refrain from using manual locks. This is because the garage door motor can easily burn out and break if one were to try to open the garage door while a manual lock is in place. If you are having trouble locking or securing your automatic garage door, you may need to consult your garage door owner’s manual or speak directly to an expert to help you address any security issues.

Additional Garage Door Security Measures

Regardless of whether you have an automatic garage door or a manual one, there are plenty of things you can do in order to increase your garage door security. Try some of the suggestions described below to help keep your garage break-in proof all year round.

  • Keep Your Garage Door Shut

    If criminals cannot see what is inside of your garage, you are far less likely to be robbed. If you leave your garage door open too often, you may become a victim of a robbery. Criminals can easily pass by your garage, steal tools, bikes, or other items and get away undetected. If your garage door remains closed as often as possible, you will protect your items and prevent theft.

  • Cover Garage Windows

    You will also want to make sure to keep any garage door windows covered. Most criminals will plan out their robberies or home invasions, especially if there are items of worth that they are after. You do not want anyone with ill intentions peering into your garage windows and eyeing certain items they may want to steal. Place curtains or blinds on your garage door windows to give your household added privacy and protection.

  • Secure Doorways

    If there are any doors leading to and from your garage, make sure they are secured with deadbolt locks – especially if you have an attached garage. If a criminal were to break into your garage and you only have a weak lock on the attached door, you and your loved ones may be in danger. It is always best to treat any doors leading to and from your garage just as you would your front door or any other important entrance.

  • Light Up the Area

    It is always important to make sure that the light around your garage is adequate. Automatic floodlights are a popular choice for homeowners because they only turn on when movement is detected. There are plenty of other exterior lighting options you can consider as well. Regardless, make sure there are no dark areas or potential hiding spots in or around your garage.

  • Install Security Cameras

    In addition to proper lighting, you may want to invest in security cameras of some kind. Exterior home security cameras are more affordable than ever now. You may want to consider purchasing cameras of some kind for your own peace of mind and protection. Speak to an expert near you about which home security cameras or other systems will work best for your budget and safety needs.


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